Our Mentors

Paying thanks to all that helps out our team

Our Teachers

Biggest thanks to our amazing teachers that made the club possible!

Douglas Au-Lange

Club Teacher

The current club sponsor teacher for Syntechs Robotics, Mr. Au-Lange has been incredible in helping our teams. We thank him not only for putting aside his time afterschool to let us work in the tech-ed room, but also for providing design advice to junior teams.

Robotics & Design Teacher

James Zhuang

Founding Club Teacher

A founding teacher and longtime sponsor, Mr. Zhuang has done an amazing job running our school club. He was active in every aspect and had put aside a lot of his spare time to work with us after school. He was very proactive in making sure everyone was included and having fun. Thank you Mr. Z!

Robotics & Design Teacher

Angeline Lee

Sponsor Teacher

Ms. Lee has been great at doing a lot of the logistical parts of our club. She organizes all the fundraisers along with students and has been getting sponsorships. She's doing a great job and we thank her for being able to stay after school into the night to finish up our robots before competition!

Elia Sheikh-Bahaie

Club President

Logan Dennis

Club President

Angel Jeon

Website & Social Manager, Team Photographer


Thank You HWSS!

We couldn't do this without the support of our school and parent council. Robotics is a tough activity to support, but they have been very helpful. With their assist, we have been able to make Syntechs become one of the most accessible robotics programs in the Lower Mainland, yet still having the resources and knowledge to compete professionally.

Our Sponsors

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